قامة لعلام
Here is the English translation of the poem by ChatGPT. It's very crude. I will refine it some day.
Begone, you who blame me
Your self, free from wounds,
No sleepy eyes stabbed you,
And you were never dazzled,
No arrow from the opposers has pierced you.
Love is valiant,
With troops and brave heroes,
Cannons, horses, and archers,
Lances and arrows,
And various helmets and veils.
A tyrant,
His defeat is like hunger and thirst,
His wounds are bloodless,
How terrible it is to face him in battle.
No dauntless leader can face his traps.
Burns the blamers,
With flames from its destructive fire,
Shortening the length of happy times,
Making us slaves in his court.
Master of love
Always dedicated to its service,
Adhering to the door of obedience,
With manners and honor,
With harshness and firm command.
The Eminent Figure,
A forehead and an inspiring beauty,
Cheeks like blooming roses,
Beauty without blemish,
God's creation, the Almighty Creator.
Show mercy to receive mercy,
And have compassion for my ailing self,
Revive my soul with a visit,
Grant me peace,
Do not forsake me, You severer of mercies.
Ask the wise man,
One who repents from disputes,
Who swears by saints and prophets,
Who does not break pledges,
Nor dries up the enemy's dwelling.
Fasting and sincerity,
Oblige it, not gluttony,
It doesn't remain in sins,
And doesn't venture into the forbidden,
Oh, do not abandon me, oh noble one.
The judges have spoken.
By the truths of necessary love,
And I accepted their judgments,
Violation of the covenant is forbidden,
You whose love is in me remians.
The qualities of a noble,
Compassion and kindness,
Pity and generosity,
They don't speak with enmity,
And don't pry into our secrets, oh vile one.
**Freedom, the Eminent Figure,**
A forehead and an inspiring beauty,
Cheeks like blooming roses,
Beauty without blemish,
God's creation, the Almighty Creator.
The breeze flows gently,
With a tablecloth and a dome,
Green, patterned like marble,
With parting and spears,
And different discussions and opinions.
Lower the sleeves,
Behold the mother of beauty, delightful,
Upon her, the flowers compete,
And the nightingale, lively,
Dances with the brides of the zephyr.
And the dawn awakens,
Between the gazelles, splendid,
Tables of flowing water,
And the flowers in full bloom,
Danced upon by the breezes.
And the mistress adorned herself,
Between her bridegrooms, sailing,
Tails and colored scarves,
As if the world was the most beautiful,
And various adornments and robes.
And the Khala, a servant,
In a luxurious garden, favored,
In her right hand, a sword, continuous,
As if she was an eagle,
From her talons, she leaves marks.
The creation of the Knower,
A dot above the cheek, a sign,
The wisdom of my Lord, the One who raised the heavens,
Nothing created it,
God, the Eternal and Everlasting.
And a goblet of wine,
And disasters for criticism,
In dens of disbelievers, oppressive,
They don't accept reprimand,
Burning with killing and hostility.
And the good act travels,
In front of the vipers, wandering,
Over forgiveness and goodness, persistent,
An obstacle to good deeds,
Don't ignore me, oh Creator of mercies.
The falcon of noble people,
With its beak, it pierces,
Letters of beauty, incised,
And complete whiteness,
The description of beauty in the work of the Wise.
**Freedom, the Eminent Figure,**
A forehead and an inspiring beauty,
Cheeks like blooming roses,
Beauty without blemish,
God's creation, the Almighty Creator.
Your journey is like a high-spirited camel,
And your self is safe from wounds,
They didn't stab you while they slept,
They didn't disgrace you while they dozed,
No dagger from opposers can harm you.
Love is brave,
With warriors and supposed heroes,
Cannons, horses, and arrows,
Lances and darts,
And various types of helmets and veils.
You carry the judgments,
Overcome hunger and thirst,
Your wounds don't shed blood,
Disappointing with disdain,
Not able to be compared to a leader.
You burn the regrets,
With flames from your destructive fire,
You shorten the length of grievances,
And return to love,
Gaining from a multitude of servants.
You earn love continuously,
Always dedicated to your service,
And attached to the door of obedience,
With respect and a sense of responsibility,
With words and firm decisions.
**Freedom, the Eminent Figure,**
A forehead and a charming smile,
Cheeks like budding roses,
Beauty without comparison,
The work of the Almighty Creator.
Have mercy to be shown mercy,
And pardon the ailing self,
Revive my soul with remorse,
And bless me with peace,
Do not neglect me, O Most Merciful One.
The wise have judged,
Those who have repented of disputes,
And sworn by righteousness and names,
Do not desert the customs,
And do not dry up the enemy's residence.
Truth and fasting,
It is necessary, not dining,
And it does not remain in transgressions,
And it does not engage in forbidden actions,
Do not abandon me in speaking, O Benevolent One.
They judged the rulers,
By the facts of the necessary love,
And agreed to the terms of the trial,
Breaking the covenant is forbidden,
O you who remain with us in hardship.
The qualities of the noble,
Compassion and kindness,
Pity and generosity,
They do not speak with enmity,
And do not pry into our secrets, O vile one.
**Freedom, the Eminent Figure,**
A forehead and a charming smile,
Cheeks like budding roses,
Beauty without comparison,
The work of the Almighty Creator.
The breeze is fresh,
With a spread and a dome,
Green with intricate patterns,
With streams and spears,
And various discussions and opinions.
Lower the sleeves,
Look at the mother of beauty, radiant,
Upon her, the flowers compete,
And the nightingale, lively,
Dances with the brides of the breeze.
And the dawn is rising,
Among the gazelles, splendid,
Tables of flowing water,
And the flowers in full bloom,
Danced upon by the breezes.
And the hostess,
Among the brides, sailing,
With tails and colored scarves,
As if the world was the most beautiful,
And various adornments and robes.
And the uncle, a servant,
In a luxurious garden, favored,
In her right hand, a sword, continuous,
As if she was an eagle,
From her talons, she leaves marks.
The creation of the Creator,
A dot above the cheek, a mark,
The wisdom of my Lord, the One who raised the heavens,
It was not created by any means,
God, the Eternal and Everlasting.
And a goblet for us,
And a trap for those who criticize,
In the dens of the oppressors,
They do not accept censure,
Burning with killing and hostility.
And the generous
are pleased,
In front of the temptations, sailing,
With eyes and beautiful eyelashes,
And the deceitful tongue,
They don't ignore us, oh Wise One.
**Freedom, the Eminent Figure,**
A forehead and a charming smile,
Cheeks like budding roses,
Beauty without comparison,
The work of the Almighty Creator.
The fortune is like a wealthy sheep,
On a carpet and a supported dome,
Green, decorated like marble,
With generosity and spears,
And different discussions and elegant decor.
Lengthen the sleeves,
See the mother of beauty, charming,
The flowers are her admirers,
And the nightingale, joyful,
Dances with the brides of the breeze.
And the dawn appears,
Among the gazelles, splendid,
Tables of flowing water,
And the flowers in full bloom,
Danced upon by the breezes.
And the mistress,
Among the brides, sailing,
With tails and colored scarves,
As if the world was the most beautiful,
And various adornments and robes.
And the uncle, a servant,
In a luxurious garden, favored,
In her right hand, a sword, continuous,
As if she was an eagle,
From her talons, she leaves marks.
The creation of the Creator,
A dot above the cheek, a mark,
The wisdom of my Lord, the One who raised the heavens,
It was not created by any means,
God, the Eternal and Everlasting.
And a goblet for us,
And a trap for those who criticize,
In the dens of the oppressors,
They do not accept censure,
Burning with killing and hostility.
And the generous are pleased,
In front of the temptations, sailing,
With eyes and beautiful eyelashes,
And the deceitful tongue,
They don't ignore us, oh Wise One.
**Freedom, the Eminent Figure,**
A forehead and a charming smile,
Cheeks like budding roses,
Beauty without comparison,
The work of the Almighty Creator.
(Note: This is a poetic translation and may not capture all the nuances of the original Arabic poem.)
قامة لعلام
الشيخ سيدي عبد القادر العلمي
سير آمن لام
ذاتك من الجراح سالمة
ما طعنوك شفار نايمة
ما بهظوك نيام
ما لسعك من الأصداغ شيء رﭬيم
الحب همام
بعساكر و أبطال زاعمة
ومدافع والخيل والرما
و صوارم و سهام
وأنواع القبات والحريم
جاير الأحكام
غلبه مثل الجوع والظمأ
وجراحه ما فيها دما
مخّيبه بالطام
ما يقوى لنشاشبه زعيم
يكوي اللّوام
بمشاهب ناره الضارمة
ويقصر طول الملاومة
ويعود للغرام
متكسب من جملة الخديم
كاسب الغرام
ديما لخدمته مداومة
ولباب الطاعة ملازمة
بالأدب وذمام
والكلمة والأمر العزيم
قامة لعلام
جبين و غرّة مبسمة
وخدود ورود ناسمة
حسن بغير وشام
صنع الله المالك العظيم
ارحم ترحام
وعطف عن ذاتي الساقمة
احي روحي بالمنادمة
ونعم لي بسلام
لا تجهل يا قاطع الرحيم
سال الفهّام
عمّن تاب من المخاصمة
وحلف بالصلاح والأسماء
ما يهجر الارسام
ولا يجفي منزل الغريم
صدق وصيام
توجب له ولا المطاعمة
ولا يبقى في المآثمة
و يخوض في الحرام
أ جافيني في الحديث هيم
حكموا الحكام
بحقايق الهوى اللازمة
ورضيت شروط المحاكمة
نقض العهد حرام
يا من حبّه في الحشا مقيم
سيرة الكرام
هي الرافة والمراحمة
والشفقة والمراومة
ما تحدث بخصام
ما يرقب عن سرنا لئيم
قامة لعلام
جبين و غرّة مبسمة
وخدود ورود ناسمة
حسن بغير وشام
صنع الله المالك العظيم
زهرت الأيام
وصفات سماك المغيمة
و أحلات وقات المنادمة
والميمون سقام
وبرا ضر الخاطر السقيم
وحنا في مقام
بين صفوف شجار ناعمة
وجداول من سلسبيل ماء
والزهر في الأكمام
ترقص به عرايس النسيم
و ضحى المدام
بين كيوس الزاج عايمة
جريال و صهبة مختمة
ما تحتاج مدام
قطرها بفراسة حكيم
يكمل المرام
ودموع الحسكات ساجمة
وعناس الفرجة محزمة
والناشد الأنغام
في تغزيل تواشحه فخيم
ساقي لريام
حط كيوسك بالموالمة
دور بالصفرة المرقمة
آحافظ الأقسام
متعنا في صوتك الرخيم
قامة لعلام
جبين و غرّة مبسمة
وخدود ورود ناسمة
حسن بغير وشام
صنع الله المالك العظيم
يا كوكب سام
بضياه ليلة مظلمة
وإلا بدر نبا من السماء
شارق تحت ركام
وإلا برق يشير في البهيم
سالف مظلام
وثيوث زباج مبرمة
كن عقارب زوج سامّة
مخلوقين توام
وإلا زوج أحناش في الرقيم
والشفر حسام
والحاجبين نبال قاسمة
خرجت من قوسين ساهمة
وإلا زوج أكوام
مسمومين يمزقوا الصميم
كمثل الدام
شفة عكرية مضرغمة
بالمسك الصيني مختمة
والثغر المبسام
فايق حسن الجوهر النظيم
القد سهام
بين يدين شجيع قلظمة
به خرج يوم الملاطمة
وإلا صاري هام
زورقه في الزاخر الطميم
قامة لعلام
جبين و غرّة مبسمة
وخدود ورود ناسمة
حسن بغير وشام
صنع الله المالك العظيم
الخال غلام
عساس روضة منعمة
في يمينه حربة مداومة
كأنه ضرغام
من حداه يتركه رميم
صنع العلام
نقطة فوق الخد رايمة
حكمة ربّي رافع السماء
ما نزلت بأقلام
كون الله الدايم القديم
وجعاب روام
وكوابس للطعن روامة
في مكاتب كفار ظالمة
ما تقبل تذمام
مولوعة بالقتل والهجيم
والجيد يرام
قدام جلايب هايمة
على العفو والطيب قائمة
شرادة لوهام
ما تقرا الأمان ما تقيم
زين لعجام
العين الشهلة النايمة
وحروف الزين المسقمة
والبياض التام
وصف الزين في صنعة الحكيم
قامة لعلام
جبين و غرّة مبسمة
وخدود ورود ناسمة
حسن بغير وشام
صنع الله المالك العظيم
زهوك يغنام
في بساط وقبة مقومة
خضراء منقوشة مزمّة
من الودع ورخام
وأنواع التنقاش والرقيم
رخي الأكمام
شوف أم الحسن ناغمة
وعليها الأزهار غارمة
بلبل حضرة قام
عند الفجر الشارق الوسيم
تسمع اليمام
ينشد حلياته منغمة
بأصوات عجيبة مفخمة
وعشيره الحمام
يحنن ويزيد في البغيم
قامة لعلام
جبين و غرّة مبسمة
وخدود ورود ناسمة
حسن بغير وشام
صنع الله المالك العظيم
هبت لنسام
شوف طيور الروض قادمة
لمقاعدها جات عازمة
يقظ من نام
يغنم فرجة ربنا كريم
والحاسد هام
والحراز مريض بالعمى
حاطت بالعديان ناقمة
وكذاك النمّام
من ليعتنا خاطره هميم
كمثل أحلام
الأيام أيلي ريت دائمة
دابا تاج الصغر يرتمى
وين هم القدام
من أهل ألبها ما بقى حليم
رذلت الأقوام
وبقات الدنيا مخممة
بين البرد وبين الحمى
غدرتنا الأيام
ما رينا في زماننا كريم
الوقت شئام
ولقاحه ولات عاقمة
حتى البل ضراعها كمى
نكدها التخمام
ونحل عرق بدانها السقيم
حافظ الأقسام
خذ درر حروف ساجمة
بالبدر الوهاج تامة
والاسم مبهام
والقافية ظاهرة الميم
من بعد السلام
لأرباب الدولة المعظمة
أصحاب الذكر والأسماء
سادتي الأعلام
منزلهم في جنة النعيم
قامة لعلام
جبين و غرّة مبسمة
وخدود ورود ناسمة
حسن بغير وشام
صنع الله المالك العظيم